About Us
To meet the common needs of its members, to facilitate their professional activities, to ensure their development in accordance with the general interests of the profession and to ensure their members' honesty and confidence in their relations with each other and with the public, as stated in the Turkish Chambers and Bourses Association Law No. 5174, in order to protect the professional discipline, morality and solidarity and to fulfill the duties given by the legislation and the services written in the aforementioned law, the commissioning committee started to serve with the founding members of the enterprising committee in 1994.
The first enterprising committee, founding members, established on 26/06/1994;
1- Mehmet Galipoğlu
2- Yıldız Eskiçırak
3- Recep Eksilmez
4- İlhan ÖZyurt
5- Mehmet Dalbastı
6- İsmail Hakkı Tiryaki
7- İlhan Eskiçırak
8- Mevlüt Önçırak
9- Şükrü Demircioğlu
10- Ş.Ali Kulaber
11- Miraç Mollamehmetoğlu
12- Osman Kahya
13- Metin Yenilmez
14- Remzi Üsküloğlu
The businessmen were established with the support of businessmen who were leading in the field. We declare our infinite gratitude to the enterprising entrepreneur who forgives his material and spiritual support.
Chambers's terms is ; to protect the professional discipline, morality and solidarity in order to ensure the integrity and trust of the members in relation to each other and the public and to fulfill the duties assigned to them in accordance with the legislation and the written services in this Blood, in order to meet the common needs of the members, to facilitate their professional activities, to develop in accordance with their general interests. is a professional organization in the nature of a public institution with legal personality.
Our activity area is our own district boundaries.
We have been working with our new workplace for 16 years since we will present it to the service of our members in a very short time. We are trying to provide service with the vigor of Ardeşen.
Chairman Of the Board